Hub Newsletter 19.11.2024

Updated Gatsby Benchmarks

The last decade has seen dedicated professionals from the worlds of education, careers and employment putting the Gatsby Benchmarks for Good Career Guidance into practice. As a result, we are seeing measurable differences to the life chances of young people. It is vital this impact continues. So, with innovations in practice and changes to the world of work and education since they were first published, The Gatsby Foundation have updated the eight Gatsby Benchmarks . Together they continue to be a useful, practical and impactful framework which defines world-class career guidance.

After almost two years of research and consultation, The Gatsby Foundation has now released it’s resulting report, Good Careers Guidance The Next Ten Years It sets out the updated benchmark framework and the underpinning evidence and showcases examples of good practice from their extensive programme of visits.

Gatsby are keen to thank the hundreds of schools, colleges, training providers, employers and careers specialists that fed into this work, a number of which work across The South Midlands.

The core of the eight Gatsby Benchmarks remains the same, but the changes that have been made are really important.


Are the compass questions going to change immediately? – Not yet, compass self assessments will be against the existing Gatsby Benchmarks for the remainder of this academic year.

Will the statutory guidance for careers be updated? – we are expecting this to be updated in Spring 2025 with any changes being implemented from September 2025 onwards.

For Action

Please take some time to read the report and use it as an opportunity to celebrate, with colleagues, the hard work and progress of the last ten years as you plan for the next. Whilst it is tempting to dive into the detail there is plenty of time for this, and we encourage you to read and reflect on the report as a whole first.

The South Midlands Careers Hub will be running Gatsby Benchmark Masterclasses throughout the 2024-25 academic year in response to the published refinements to the Gatsby Benchmarks. On Thursday 21st November we will be running the following online briefing and discussion groups:

  • Career Leader briefing and discussion group – 12:30 – 14:00
  • Senior Leaders / Governors briefing  – 8:00 – 8:20
  • Senior Leaders / Governor briefing – 15:45 – 16:05

If you would like to attend please email and we will forward a meeting invite to you.