Hub Newsletter 02/12/2024

For Action

Please make sure you complete a Compass self evaluation before the end of term. When doing this do include all activity you have planned to take place throughout the academic year. Reminder that you are assessing yourself against the original benchmarks and that the Compass questions will not have changed. Reminder here how to copy across your previous compass evaluation which will save you time as you will only need to amend anything that has changed

Spring Term Kick off briefing. This will be taking place Wednesday 8th January 2025 from 16.00 to 16.30. A calendar invite will be sent directly to all Careers Leaders and Industry Partners before the end of term.

New Career Leader Induction, Wednesday 22nd January 2025 from 16.00 to 16.45 If you are new to the role of Careers Leader this academic year and have not yet attended our Hub induction please save the date. We will be emailing you a calendar invite directly.

Our Hub inductions are for new Careers Leaders and new Industry partners. Covering the role of the Careers Hub and the support, resources and training that is available, as well as a brief overview of careers policy and provision nationally.

For Info

Thanks to those of you that attended our Gatsby Updates online briefing and discussion groups last week. Please find recording of the session here and slides here.

As you reflect on the updated benchmarks, we urge you to undertake a Careers Impact internal leadership review with senior leaders and colleagues. Available in Compass+ and Compass, the review is a critical friend that provides a structured way to help prioritise and consider how you approach the strategic planning of the implementation of the updates.

The Future Skills Questionnaire provides critical insights into young people’s career readiness and skills development.

  • A heartfelt thank you to everyone who made this year’s Future Skills Questionnaire our biggest yet!
  • Nationally over 238,000 young people shared their perspectives on career readiness and aspirations.
  • Your contributions are shaping the future of careers education. 
  • Read the key highlights and access the full report here
  • Planning to deliver the Future Skills Questionnaire to learners next term? We have resources to support you here.

Online training – Encouraging and supporting parents and carers

With parental engagement one of the key updates to the Gatsby Benchmarks this free CPD will support and equip you to develop practice in parent and carer engagement in careers. The free training will help you to:

  • Express the value and benefits of engaging parents and carers to colleagues and senior leaders
  • Evaluate current provision and identify barriers
  • Plan a targeted piece of family-friendly careers education that addresses a need in your setting.
  • Help equip parents and carers with the knowledge and confidence they need to start impactful careers conversations with their children.
  • Get started today with our free CPD:

Top Tips

Check out our top tips for this month to help you understand the updates to the Gatsby Benchmarks and how you can drive even more impact for young people.