Further Education

Our FE Community of Practice was established in December 2023 and consists of the following members:

  • Bedford College Group
  • Milton Keynes College
  • Kimberley College
  • Moulton College
  • Northampton College
  • Luton Sixth Form College
  • Barnfield College

The group meets on a termly basis, with a virtual meeting in the autumn term, and in person meetings at different host institutions in the spring and summer terms.

Resources can be found below:

The CEC have produced a new guide for colleges and training providers “Effective Approaches to Careers Guidance for Apprentices” which presents a holistic look at the benchmarks and offers suggestions and innovative approaches alongside some inspiring examples of practice from the sector.

Download here Apprentice Guide

The 2024/25 schedule is currently being put together and will be shared here when available. If you have a hot topic, or something you would like to see featured in this webinar series, please contact:


Have you visited the CEC resource directory?  We are continually collating and updating resources, information, and guides to support careers education for colleges, 6th forms and training providers.

Further Education | CEC Resource Directory
Training Providers | CEC Resource Directory