Event Type: Careers talk

Date: 07/03/2025

Time: 09:00 - 10:00

School / College: Lodge Park Academy

Venue: Lodge Park Academy, Shetland Way, Corby, NN17 2JH

Local Authority Area: North Northamptonshire

Organiser: Jennie Corner

Email: JCorner@lodgeparkacademy.co.uk

Virtual Professional Session

We are looking for 5-6 local employers to take part in a virtual professionals session for years 9 and 10. It would be hosted by our careers lead and students would be online through their classroom. Employers would need to introduce themselves, who they work for and what they do, then students would be able to ask questions through their form tutor to find out about different career paths. The aim is to broaden students understanding of the world of work, different industries and different routes into employment.
